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Front-end development for creative agencies & designersSpecializing in ExpressionEngine programming & HTML/CSS
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SnipCart Project Highlighted
Sackwear.com, a Craft & SnipCart project I completed late last year, is this month's featured project on the SnipCart blog. The website was designed by Tim McGrath, Design Director & Partner of 3 Advertising.I appreciated the ease of integration on this project. I was able to use Craft to manage my data and Snipcart to offload the shopping cart & checkout functionality. They worked very well together.
Read the full post on the SnipCart blog

SnipCart & Craft Hangout
On February 12th, I co-hosted a live Google Hangout with Charles Ouellet, lead engineer and co-founder of SnipCart to demo code from a recent eCommerce project where I integrated SnipCart with Craft CMS. A full recap of the hangout was posted to the SnipCart blog or watch the full recording below:Filed Under: MediaGirl

EE Postcast Guest Hosting Gig
I was recently asked to guest host on the EE Podcast with my fellow Albuquerque EE developer Emily Lewis. We interviewed Ryan Battles on EE Error pages. Have a listen:EE Error Pages with Ryan Battles
While error pages like 404 Page Not Found are “standard†server messages, they don’t always present your site visitors with useful information. Ryan Battles joins the show to talk about ways to make your server and site error messages more effective. He discusses how developers should approach their ExpressionEngine templates to ensure that a correct 404 redirect occurs, and shares tips for customizing EE’s system messages and front-end form validation.
Filed Under: Coding, Expression Engine, MediaGirl

Join Me At The Peers Conference
I've been invited to speak at the Peers Conference in Chicago (June 26-28) and I'm excited to share the details of my 5 years working on the project I will be talking about. It's a site unlike most others running on ExpressionEngine because of the high number of entries in the database (~725K) coupled with regular high traffic, frequent article publishing & big traffic spikes. This is a case study talk which will detail walls I've hit along the way and fixes that have helped at each step to stabilize the website.
Periódico Zócalo: Lessons learned while working with a high traffic EE site
Launched in July 2008 by Anna Brown, Periódico Zócalo is a daily newspaper website serving the northern Mexican state of Coahuila and running on ExpressionEngine. The site currently averages ~10 million page views per month and has ~725K entries in the database with 500-700 new articles added daily. During this talk, Anna will share the project’s ups & downs, advanced optimization tips and lessons learned while working solo on a large content EE site prone to traffic spikes driven by breaking stories.Filed Under: MediaGirl

EE Focused Stack Exchange Site
The EE community has rallied and the ExpressionEngine focused Stack Exchange site is live and in public beta! Please take a moment to signup to show your support... Use the site to ask all EE related questions and take a few minutes each day to help others in the community by answering questions.Filed Under: Coding, Expression Engine, Tools