


The Devote:ee website is my favorite ExpressionEngine hangout. The site centralizes ExpressionEngine modules/plugins/extensions/accessories in one location and gives developers and easy way to buy addons. Not all addons are represented on the site but it is by far the most comprehensive list anywhere on the web.

Filed Under: Bookmarks, Coding, Expression Engine, Tools

Digital Boot Camp to Groom Agency Talent

Digital Boot Camp to Groom Agency Talent

Needing to update your digital skills? Want to be groomed to work in some of the top agencies?

Consider a trip to Colorado where the University of Colorado at Boulder is offering a certificate through their Boulder Digital Works program. The class work focuses on building new media creativity and technical skills. But don't expect this education to come cheap... be prepared to fork over $25,000 for Fall 2010 tuition... all due upfront by August 23, 2010.

IMHO, design and programming skills are different and should be treated as two different tracks in such a program. Designers are generally not programmers and programmers aren't designers.

Filed Under: Bookmarks

HTML5 & CSS3 Readiness

HTML5 & CSS3 Readiness

As I'm sure you've heard, Steve Jobs has been beating the drum about HTML5 as the standard of the future. I know of one Flash coders who's a little worried... I'm personally not convinced that Flash is dead. It serves a specific purpose that HTML5 and jQuery won't be able to fill 100%. Also, big brands love the "story" they can tell with Flash.

So the question is, how many HTML5 features are supported by today’s web browser?

Check our this interactive graph for details >>

MediaGirl ToolBox

Filed Under: Bookmarks, Coding, Tools

50 best female web designers around the world

50 best female web designers around the world

From my point of view, female designers and coders don't get enough press and they sure don't get enough speaking gigs at design/coding focused conferences/events. So it's great to see lists popping up that highlight the talented women in the web world.

The following list, curated by indeziner, highlights indeziner's 50 best female web designers from around the world.

>> 50 best female web designers around the world

I recognize a couple ExpressionEngine designers on the list. I'd be happy to code any of their projects. Keep up the great work ladies!

MediaGirl ToolBox

Filed Under: Bookmarks, Coding

Coding Snippets

Coding Snippets

Bookmark the following links for great code snippets and coding advise.

• Position Absolute
• Ajax Rain
• Smashing Magazine
• DevSnippets
• CSS Tricks
• Noupe
• UX Booth
• Mini Ajax
• Ajax Daddy

Filed Under: Bookmarks, Coding, Tools