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Front-end development for creative agencies & designersSpecializing in ExpressionEngine programming & HTML/CSS
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Regardless of how you drive traffic to your site - paid search, search engine optimization (SEO), print, or any other medium - your challenge is to get more of the visitors you really want for the lowest cost possible.Enter Google's Conversion University. This is a great site full of articles to help you with driving traffic as well as converting traffic. The articles include:
Intelligent Advertising for Small Business
by Alden DeSoto
You're a small business owner. You'd like more visibility for your site, and you've had a salesperson tell you about the benefits of buying a listing on her advertising or portal site. It sounds like a good deal, but how do you know?
A Benchmark Strategy to Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
by Alden DeSoto
In the frenzy to attain or maintain the highest ranking, it's easy to get caught up in keyword bidding wars. Don't give in to this temptation. There's a better way and it begins with finding a break-even cost-per-click benchmark.
Successful A/B and A/B/A Testing
by Brett Crosby
A/B and A/B/A testing offer scientific approaches to creating highly effective ads. Learn when to use each approach and how to set your test up successfully.
Email Campaign Best Practices
by Christine Lee<
When you launch an email campaign, get clear on your objectives and make sure that you can effectively track them with the campaign. Here are some tips and best practices.
Tracking Offline Campaigns
by Amit Singh
If you run offline campaigns, for example on TV or in print, you may be wondering how to track campaign ROI. Learn four approaches to tracking offline campaigns using Google Analytics.
Design Your Website for Increased ROI
by Alden DeSoto
It's easy to over-focus on driving traffic to your site while overlooking another equally important key to website ROI - content optimization. Make the time, money, and effort you've spent developing your online marketing pay off. Design a website that gets visitors to take action.
Five Tips for Writing Effective Web Headlines
by Ginger Makela
You're successfully driving traffic with AdWords, but 91% of your visitors leave your site after viewing just a single page. Clearly, you need to optimize your landing pages, but how do you know which changes to make?
Six Steps to Conversion Health
by Susan Minniear
Once a visitor lands on your website, the clock starts ticking and you have only a few seconds to convince them to stay there and make a purchase. Consider these six points and convert more visitors into customers.
Testing Keyword Landing Pages
by Alden DeSoto
Converting traffic begins with effective landing pages -- ones that reassure visitors that they've found what they are looking for. If you can match the right landing pages to the right ads, you'll increase conversions and profitability. But how do you start?
Divide and Conquer -- Segmenting Your Visitors
by Dan Daugherty
Learn how you can listen to your visitors with these Google Analytics segmentation tips.
Preaching to the Converted
by Lance Cotton
It's almost always cheaper to keep a current customer than to acquire a new one, and often your current customers will be your most profitable. If you have an online store, consider these tips for retaining customers and increasing conversions.
Five Objectives of Website Copy
by Alden DeSoto
Effective copy is a critical component of most successful websites. What should you write about? Here are five important points you can cover with website copy.